


INSPIRAKSI is a CSR program that aims to provide People-inspired solutions for society

Jakarta, 24 June 2014 : PT. Tata Motors Indonesia (TMI), subsidiary of Tata Motors Ltd, the Indian global automotive manufacturer announced the commencement of the CSR INSPIRAKSI project – Hati Tergerak Tangan Bergerak (Moved Heart, Moving Hands), launched in June 2013.

INSPIRAKSI is the CSR program of Tata Motors Indonesia, which is held in partnership with Dompet Dhuafa as the aid distributor, under the guidance of the Indian Embassy in Jakarta and Baramulti Sukses Sarana as a partner also. INSPIRAKSI is a CSR program of which its implementation was initiated through Tata Motors Indonesia Facebook fan page.

In determining the aid recipient and what social community projects to be funded, Tata Motors Indonesia through the CSR INSPIRAKSI program first interacted with Tata Motors Indonesia Facebook friends. That way, CSR ideas and aspirations are gathered from and directly inspired by Tata Motors Indonesia Facebook friends.

“The difference between INSPIRAKSI and other CSR programs is that INSPIRAKSI directly gathers aspirations from Tata Motors friends on Facebook as the representation of the general public in determining the most inspiring figure in Indonesia and social projects that require funding assistance,” said BiswadevSengupta, President Director of TMDI.

Biswadev restated that INSPIRAKSI is a CSR program that aims to provide People-inspired solutions for society. This is in line with the spirit of Tata Motors global, Inspired by People, and Tata Motors Indonesia, which is to provide a smart solution for the society’s transportation needs.

Of the hundreds of inputs and solution inspirations mentioned in Facebook, the INSPIRAKSI team filtered 30 social projects and after further observation, the INSPIRAKSI team chose 3 (three) inspiring social projects for the implementation of stage I of the INSPIRAKSI 2013-2014 program. The next step of INSPIRAKSI, which is stage II of INSPIRAKSI 2014-2015, shall aim to assist a different social project.

The following are three social solution programs along with their respective inspiring figure:

1. Desa Penebar Kecerdasan (Intelligence Dissemination Village) by Muhammad Fauzi
2. Kampung Sahabat Desain Grafis (Graphic Design Friends Village) by Solehuddin
3. Sekolah Rakyat Untuk Sumbawa Barat (The People’s School for West Sumbawa) by Sri Astuti

Under the guidance of Dompet Dhuafa and the INSPIRAKSI Team, the three social projects with the three inspiring figures as drivers of the social projects would develop their respective social projects. Hopefully these projects would positively empower the community to further develop more social solutions.
The following are the profiles of the inspiring figures along with their respective social project:

Muhammad Fauzi – Desa Penebar Kecerdasan

Muhammad Fauzi is inspired by his dream to establish a village society that is smart, well developed and fairly treated. As a victim of the Sidoarjo mudflow, Fauzi is unable to continue to higher education due to economic issues. However, Fauzi is motivated to deliver used books to the neighborhood security posts (Poskamling) and alternately deliver them to other posts while selling traditional herbal drinks (jamu), so that the people can read books and gather knowledge freely.

Those books are gathered by Fauzi from donations. After the Distribution period, those books are stored in a warehouse that is currently used as the village’s center for study. Moreover, Fauzi also provides Internet to the people of the village and the Internet subscription fee is paid by him with the profit from selling jamu.

“I wish that with the Desa Penebar Kecerdasan program, the village people can be more knowledgeable. So that the people can be smarter and won’t be easily fooled,” said Muhammad Fauzi.

Solehuddin – Kampung Sahabat Desain Grafis

Solehuddin who is known as Huddi is an unyielding village youth who loves to help his friends and the village people. Despite his level of education, Huddi is determined in his work as a mug and banner printer. Huddi works on every design order himself.

Huddi uses the profit from his business to help the people of the village, especially to encourage village youths to learn graphic design to keep them from being unemployed or to open new job opportunities. Although right now confined to limited space, Huddi is relentless and hopes to be able to establish a graphic-design training center, because Huddi believes that with graphic designing skills, everyone can work.

“The Kampung Sahabat Desain Grafis program is hoped to provide the grounds for the people of my village, my hometown friends, to enter the workforce,” said Solehuddin

Sri Astuti – Sekolah Rakyat Untuk Sumbawa Barat

Sri Astuti is a village girl who excels despite her POLIO condition. Receiving her bachelor’s degree from Universitas Mataram, she began her social activism by being an instructor throughout the village. She often voluntarily help teach underprivileged village residents day and night.

Her dream remains on education. Although limited by the long distance, Sri travels through the tens of kilometers by horse carriage to transport the used uniforms she received from donators meant or her students.

“Thanks to the aids that we receive, the village now has a school that can accommodate the students so that they can study comfortably,” said Sri Astuti.

The INSPIRAKSI program – Hati Tergerak Tangan Bergerak (Moved Heart, Moving Hands) is a CSR program of Tata Motors Indonesia that has become the umbrella of the social activities to be held every year. This program is hoped to encourage the development of social activism that optimizes social media in Indonesia. Further information can be gathered from the Facebook account – Tata INSPIRAKSI.

About Tata Motors

Tata Motors is the biggest Indian car manufacturer with consolidated revenue of USD 34.7 billion in 2012-13, and is ranked the fourth biggest truck and bus manufacturer in the world. Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, Tata Motors is operating in the United Kingdom, South Korea, Thailand, Spain, South Africa, and Indonesia. Tata Motors owns British premium automaker Jaguar Land Rover, and is also involved in a joint venture with Fiat in India.

With more than 7.5 million Tata Motors vehicles running on the roads of India, Tata Motors Limited has become a market leader in each segment of the commercial vehicle industry, and is one of the frontrunners in the passenger vehicle industry covering the compact, mid-sized cars, and multifunction segments. Cars, buses and trucks manufactured by Tata Motors have been distributed in various countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, South America, and the Russian Federation.
(www.tatamotors.com; follow our Twitter: @TataMotorsID)

For further information on PT Tata Motors Distribusi Indonesia, please contact:
Mr. Kiki Fajar
Public Relations – Manager
PT. Tata Motors Indonesia
fajar.harianto@tatamotors.com | fajar.harianto@gmail.com|

Mr. Hendri Satrio
Triliant Communications