TATA Learning Center is a world-class center for TATA dealer technicians, located in the Center for Development of Vocational Training (CEVEST), Jl. Guntur Raya No. 1 Kayuringin Jaya South Bekasi, West Java. TATA Learning Center was incorporated on July 26, 2013 in cooperation with TATA Motors Distribution Indonesia and BBPLK / CEVEST. Mr. Sengupta Biswadev, Tata Motors Chairman and Drs. Aris Wahyudi, Cevest Director came together to take the country forward, through trainings by TATA Motors and Cevest. Cevest as a government training institute, supporting with complete training facilities, while TATA Motors as leading automotive industry in India has the expertise and technology that can help Indonesian society. With a spirit of mutual synergy, the two institutions are mutually supporting training programs whether it is organized by Cevest or TATA Motors.
As full support to the training activities, TATA Motors and Cevest agreed to build classrooms for TATA Motors training. Quality class rooms at TLC supports all kinds of regular training activities, including theoretical and practical. Equipped with economical tables and chairs, air-conditioning, LCD projector, screen, white board, practice table, shelf tools and multiple engine stand, the TLC facility offers a comfortable environment to learn. Also, the handy class room is designed efficiently, to seamlessly shift between theory and practical sessions.
TATA Motors is committed to build human resources in Indonesia through training programs for technicians to take on the challenges in providing maintenance and repair of TATA Motors vehicles. PLAY STRONG !!!
Pintar Bersama TATA (PBT) is a program conducted by TATA Motors Indonesia’s service team to provide after-sales guarantee for the customer. Up until 2017, TATA Motors has trained thousands of TATA dealer technicians, partner workshops, public workshops, mechanics and fleet customers up to prospective job seekers at CSR program. The technicians are following TATA Motors regular training program such as: Product Familiarization for passenger cars, small commercial vehicles, light commercial vehicles and heavy commercial vehicles, Technical 1, Basic Electrical, Technical 2, Engine Management System & Diagnostic Expert Technician. The program is designed to build knowledge and skills of new technicians so that they are competent to perform maintenance and repairs.
One of the training program conducted by TATA Motors is training for public transportation drivers. The program was created because TATA Motors felt the need to familiarize Super Ace technology, especially to public transportation drivers, since TATA Super Ace uses diesel engine Turbo Charge Inter Cooler technology. Most of the public transportation drivers were used to gasoline-powered vehicles, so it was necessary for them to have the knowledge and skills to change their perception. The objective was to introduce efficiency in driving, as TATA Super Ace has the longest public transportation operational time compared to shuttles pick-up or other minibuses.
1. | Let the machine idle for 1 minute after switched on and before it is switched off. |
2. | Check the engine oil daily. Oil should be visible between the MIN and MAX marks. |
3. | Make sure the glow plug indicator dead before the vehicle is switched on. |
4. | Use SAE 15W40 for engine oil. |
5. | Change the engine oil every 10,000 km. |
6. | Replace the oil filter every 10,000 km. |
7. | Replace diesel fuel filter every 10,000 km. |
8. | Change the air filter when the air filter indicator is red. |
9. | Use SAE 75W / 80 GL4 10 for transmission oil. |
10. | Replace the transmission oil every 80,000 km. |
11. | Use 85W-140 GL5 for the axle oil. |
12. | Change the axle oil every 80,000 km. |
13. | Check the wheel bearing grease every 10,000 km, added if necessary. |
14. | Always use quality fuels to get the maximum performance from the engine. |
15. | Avoid solar depleted during the trip. Often runs out of diesel can trigger damage to the injection pump. |
16. | Get used to increase the speed slowly and use a higher gear for fuel efficiency. |
17. | Step on the brake pedal slowly and always keep a safe distance. |
18. | Immediately repair if there is water or oil leakage. Late repair could cause fatal damage. |
19. | Rotate the tires every 10,000 km. |
20. | Clean the intercooler with low pressure water. |